The GNeuS call n.1 is now closed, with 30 applications received. The selection process started, regular updates will be provided on social media and on website […]
GNeuS management office and some supervisors are proposing a webinar dedicated to giving candidates an overview of the GNeuS opportunities and the GNeuS application submission. Further […]
The GNeuS programme relies on an ambitious training program, based on scientific training, teaching and supervision, networking etc. but also targeting a large set of transferable […]
GNeuS Programme offers high quality research topics proposed by motivated and highly skilled supervisors. You want to be part of neutron research? Have a look on […]
GNeuS on-line application enables you to check that you answer the eligibility criteria and that you have provided all necessary documents. Register and get access to […]
The GNeuS Selection Panel is completed and has elected its chair and co-chair. They are now ready to welcome the applications that will come after opening […]