PCDP – Entrepreneurship courses

For a sake of convenience, the present list includes the courses organized by the GNeuS partners, and shall not be considered as an exhaustive list for the PCDP.  The candidate is welcome to consider any additional course.

Title of Training

Innovation and Entrepreneurship


  • Get a common understanding of innovation at Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • Connect innovation oriented activities with your personal career and your scientific job
  • Get first insights on how to apply innovation oriented activities from a scientific perspective
  • Get a feeling of selecting innovative ideas to follow/invest time in
  • Get to know initial approaches on how to structure and develop an innovation project
  • Experience setting up and presenting a simplified innovation case


In this course, you will learn about methods on how to transfer your ideas into practical solutions for industry and society – for example with a science based start-up, the licensing of a technology, or an open source project based on your developed software. All pathways of knowledge- and technology transfer will be equally considered.
During the online seminar, you will learn about Forschungszentrum Jülich´s approach towards innovation and how you will be supported throughout your innovation projects. We will talk about the meaning of innovation activities for your career development and discuss the opportunities and challenges to consider when engaging in technology transfer.
In the subsequent workshop, you will work in groups on real innovation cases. You will learn how to identify and evaluate a promising idea and how to present it in the form of a pitch. A first draft of a business model will be developed, considering aspects such as use scenarios, possible application fields, key partners, as well as target groups and potential customers. As a participant, you are very welcome to bring in your own innovation case (see “Required preparation”)


1 Day

Planned (Quarter/Year)

Next round of JUICE will open up in March 2023


Participation requirement

For the workshop, you can bring in your own innovation case, i.e. a first idea about how your research (PhD thesis) might be applied outside of academia is sufficient. If you bring in a case, you will be asked to present your idea verbally within one minute at the beginning of the workshop. No presentation slides or other materials are required. Selected cases will be worked on in groups.
The completion of this course is a requirement to apply for the subsequent JUICE-Program (Juelich Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate). More information about JUICE can be found here: https://intranet.fz-juelich.de/de/organisation/ue/juice

Internal contact person (FZJ)

Andrea Bosten (career-center@fz-juelich.de)