PCDP – Scientific training

For a sake of convenience, the present list includes the most important school and labcourse on neutron scattering, and shall not be considered as an exhaustive list for the PCDP.  The candidate is welcome to consider any other school and labcourse that fits with the research programme, regardless of whether the core business of the conference is focussed to neutrons. Schools and course organized by the national neutron scattering society can also be considered.

This list will be continuously update.

All Training and events https://www.embo.org/conferences-training/#/

Next event in Grenoble, France, 26 February – 28 March 2024

The application to Hercules 2024 will close on Sunday 8 October 2023.


Next event will take place on 02-13 September 2024 in Jülich/Garching – Germany

annual event

Event Website: https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/jcns/expertise/conferences-and-workshops/labcourse

Last event was in Lüneburg, Germany 20–27 August 2023

Last event was in Gauthersburg, Maryland, USA, 25-29 July 2022


Last event was in Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory in August 6 – 18, 2023.


18th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering will be held between 03 – 13 September 2024. The School is an ideal introduction to the theory, techniques and applications of neutron scattering. Please find more information here


biannual meeting


The school will take place from 23 to 28 March 2025 in Hamburg and in Lund, Sweden.


The next school will take place in from 1 to 6 September 2024.


Workshop and hands-on Tutorial on Tools and Shells at Bilbao Crystallographic Server

held by Gemma de la Flor and Mois Aroyo.

The workshop took place in UYG 02.22 (Glaspalast) from June 28th, 14:00h to June 30th 2023, 13:15h.

Further details of the program you will find at: https://indico.frm2.tum.de/event/420/

PenteQost-24 is the first interdisciplinary and international undergraduate spring school on the Fundamentals of Quantum Science. It will be hosted by the University of Siegen, Germany, from May 17 to 21, 2024. Please find more information here