Designing a new primary spectrometer for the cold TAS PANDA

Topic  34
Main supervisor A.Schneidewind (
MLZ institution FZJ
Local supervisor 1 Peter Böni
Institution Swiss Neutronics
Local supervisor 2 K.Schmalzl
Institution Institute Laue-Langevin
Local supervisor 3
Local supervisor 4
Title Designing a new primary spectrometer for the cold TAS PANDA
Description PANDA is the cold three-axis spectrometer (TAS) at MLZ, located in the experimental hall and successfully operated since 2005. The spectrometer is focused on answering questions in the fields of condensed matter physics, magnetism and exotic forms of superconductivity. Recent improvements of the spectrometer comprise the multiplexing option (BAMBUS) on the secondary spectrometer side, as well as the design and procurement of a new sample table and modern electronics for the movement of the spectrometer axis. In addition, a artificial intelligence project (ARIANE) based on Gaussian process regression provides a tool for beamtime optimization in mapping mode. A promising route for further improvement of the instrument is given by the optimization of the primary spectrometer, with the goal of enhancing the flux at the sample position. The project consists of a careful analysis of the beam extraction from the cold source using modern neutron optic devices such as advanced guide geometries or nested mirror optics (NMO). Special attention has to be paid to the influence on the spectrometers Q-E resolution. Cooperation would be organized with industrial partners providing the technical background, and scientific partners of PANDA group.