High-pressure cells at MLZ


Topic  42
Main supervisor Andrzej Grzechnik (a.grzechnik@fz-juelich.de)
MLZ institution FZJ
Local supervisor 1
Jens Richter

STOE & Cie. GmbH

Local supervisor 2
Local supervisor 3
Local supervisor 4

High-pressure cells at MLZ


High-pressure neutron scattering is of major importance for many different scientific disciplines. Its applications range from the characterization of ground states in quantum materials to pressure-induced changes in hydrogen-containing minerals at the conditions corresponding to various depths of the Earth as well as to the pressure-induced polymorphism in pharmaceutical compounds.

This project aims at the optimization of the experimental set-ups, which include clamp and diamond anvil cells, and data collection procedures for high-pressure experiments on different instruments for diffraction and spectroscopy at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching. Particular emphasis is given to the combination of their unique features for comprehensive pressure-dependent studies in cryostats and magnets as well as to their improved performance during the data collection.

Applicants should have a background in high-pressure techniques and crystallography, mineralogy, physics, chemistry or material science and have ideas about their own research topic in the relevant field. The topic should make use of the synergetic sample environment available at MLZ. Please contact the supervisor beforehand to check the suitability of the proposed research.